
Providing Physician Designed Radiological Solutions Since 2012

About Us

Physician Designed Solutions


Our solutions are designed by physicians, not by engineers or management committees.

We know which features are needed to help you get your work done accurately and efficiently.

Our systems do not contain useless features and options that get in your way or slow you down, and we will never make you change your workflow to meet our software requirements.

Experience Counts


We've provided affordable, easy to use software solutions to the Radiological industry since 2012. 

Radiogistics has helped physicians transcribe millions of studies with unbelievable accuracy using our physician designed, cloud-based, Medical Transcription system.

Simple Complexity


Unlike other systems that expect you to change your workflow to fit within the confines of the software, our physician designed systems work with you.

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Radiogistics, LLC

Frisco, Texas, United States